Conscious Connections

Conscious Connections has been helping people for over sixteen years. We provide positive coaching, consulting, and direction. Our passion is helping people change their lives, discover their full potential, and live authentically.

Conscious Connections works with young and older leaders in their individual capacity as well as within teams in organisations and education institutions. 

We believe developing potential starts early which is why our work focuses on three key areas:

Conscious Parenting focuses on development from the early years and negotiating the minefield that is parenting;

Conscious Young People concentrates on adolescents and young adults – when individuals are exploring themselves and growing into the adults they want to be;
Conscious Young People also focuses on education and bridging the gap between the world of work and the world of education;

Conscious Coaching is the heart of our business where we support individuals well into adulthood and their careers,  concentrating on creating high energy leaders at all ages and stages of life. We believe in team collaboration through harnessing individual impact towards a more powerful organisation.

We have done significant research with companies and education institutes and we know what the workplace demands of employers and employees, and we believe that our multidimensional leadership model, powered by The GC Index® is the answer.

Our goal is to support and develop individuals and teams in the face of transformational change in an ever-changing dynamic world.

Our Philosophy

Development begins from day one, and learning is life-long.

To change the world, and be your best self, requires lifelong growth.

Discovering early on where your natural inclinations lie, and how you can make your biggest impact is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself.

Let us help you discover where you can make your biggest impact and how to harness that to live a life of fulfillment in all areas of your life.

The GC Index®