Our Partners

The GC Index®The Trive Project – TribeL Consulting33 Emeralds
The GC Index® is an Organimetric that liberates everyone to make a positive impact in their world.
Showing individuals, teams and organisations, how they can make their best contribution to drive measurable outcomes and boost performance.
A leadership program designed for women by women. Our goal is to help women leaders realize their potential and accelerate success.

The Thrive Project comprises a series of modules that can be run as individual conversation sessions, a modular one-day intervention or as a 4-month full-scale women’s program.
We aim to improve the world of work and the impact that business has on society.
Our design of leadership, team, and climate solutions pioneers more innovative, conscious organisations.
We are Certified in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and can train you in the method too.
As GC Index® Master Partners and offer a gold standard The GC Index® accreditation programme.