Parent Coaching
CONSCIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE – coaching young people (school age to internship programme levels) As a certified Youth and Adolescent counselor, Natalee has a keen interest in empowering young people with getting to know themselves. Helping shape their own futures by knowing who they are and how they can make an impact and contribution in their lives is one of the most important things a person needs to
know. Natalee uses the Young People Index®- a revolutionary online assessment tool which is transforming young people’s lives and enabling schools, universities, internship programmes and teachers to identify and nurture the key talents of young people; the leaders and workforce of the future.
The Young People Index® has a wealth of experience, passion and skills, which has bee used to develop Impact Programmes, specifically designed to help young people discover more about themselves in order to reach their future potential.
The results from the assessment empower young people by highlighting their natural preferences and inclinations in terms of how they contribute to a team, organisation, project or role and thus boost confidence and self-awareness.
Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences in life. There are no instruction manuals for parenting and many parents find that they have lost the joy and fun of raising a family. A Parenting Coach can help you:
Get Clear – A Parenting Coach will help you clarify your family and parenting goals. What is your dream family? What kind of relationship do you want to have with your children and partner? What values are important to you and what do you want to instill in your children?
- Find Peace – Creating a peaceful home starts with you, the parent. Would you like to stay calm in the chaos? Yelling, nagging and fighting are addressed and replaced with confident parenting, co-operation, win/win and peaceful-conflict resolution.
- Solve Problems – Can’t get your children out the door in the morning? Are mealtimes a struggle? A Parenting Coach can help you solve specific problems such as getting your toddler to stay in bed to handling tantrums, sibling fighting, power struggles and homework hassles.
- Set Boundries – Setting limits and sticking to them are crucial to parenting. Your child wants boundaries and it’s their job to test them. A Parenting Coach will help you see where you’re not setting limits and being consistent with your child. Perhaps you need help creating routines and setting limits around TV and video games or perhaps you need help creating limits around the way the people in your life treat you and talk to you.
- Parent as a Team – Whether you’re happily married, going through a divorce or are a single parent, a Parenting Coach can help you thrive in chaotic times. A Parenting Coach will help you assess you and your spouse’s parenting styles and show you how to leverage the strengths of each of your styles to deal more effectively with your current parenting challenges.
- Set Goals and Stay Focused – A Parenting Coach will support you in reaching your goals. A Coach will also remind you to take better care of yourself, celebrate your successes and to stick with your goals.
- Find Balance – Finding it hard to balance work and family? A Parenting Coach will aid you with living your parenting priorities when time seems to be speeding up from helping you find ways to get down on the floor and play with your toddler to supporting your efforts to stay connected with your college-age child and everything in between!Transition – A Parenting Coach will help overwhelmed new parents with all the changes a baby brings; support adoptive parents through the process and ease challenges for step parents.
- Raise Confident, Responsible, Self-Motivated Children While Having Fun! – A Parenting Coach will help you parent with the end in mind and provide practical ideas and tips such as how best to motivate your child more effectively; how to interpret and diagnose your child’s behavior; how to get results without punishment; and how to stay detached and loving despite your child’s behavior.
Everyone! Whether you have children or grandchildren, are expecting, have adopted, are a teacher or caregiver if you want positive results, both in the moment and for the future, then partnering with a Parenting Coach is an excellent vehicle to help you meet your goals.
You may be feeling like the way you’re parenting doesn’t feel good; you may be feeling ineffective and tired of yelling, nagging or bribing your children. Perhaps, you and your spouse don’t agree on how to handle situations with the children or you’re feeling exhausted, drained or constantly irritated which makes you feel guilty and discouraged. You’re not enjoying your children or perhaps you’ve taken the Redirecting Children’s Behavior Parenting Course and haven’t quite mastered some of the tools or aren’t sure how to apply them.
Whatever the situation, a Parenting Coach will urge you to discover and address stresses and challenges that may be impacting you and your children, and helps you evaluate the systems you have in place that are already supportive and then guiding you to tap into them more efficiently.
Parent and Family Coaching caters to your children, your style, and your team. Whether your team is your family unit or classroom, as your Parenting Coaching, I will provide RCB-based solutions to your specific challenges.
Sessions can be one-on-one, over the phone, or with the entire family. Parents may take advantage of Parent Coaching individually or as a couple. I will come to you and work on a specific challenge or we can meet in a neutral, agreed upon location. We will arrange a day and time to suit your schedule and your goals.
As your Parenting Coach, I will work with you for two or more 60 – 90 minute sessions scheduled at your convenience. Based on your situation, together we will choose the best plan of action for your family. For new clients, I may recommend a 45 minute in home observation to start, followed up with a 45 minute session by telephone later that night after the children have gone to bed. We may agree to meet one-on-one for the first session, with the entire family the next session, and over the phone for the last session. Because every client is different, every session can be flexible!
During sessions with the entire family I will model effective techniques and tools with you and your children and help you learn them yourself until they’re second nature. The work you will do won’t be easy, but the results will be very rewarding and simply put – a relief!
Conscious Parenting (formerly Redirecting Children’s Behaviour) is a powerful course designed to help you create the family of your dreams. If you would like more co-operation and support from your children, then this is the course for you.
Taught in five, three-hour sessions, this course is fun, informative, and life-changing. The atmosphere is non-judgemental, safe and supportive. This course gives parents fast, effective ways to become calmer and more confident, to raise responsible, and cooperative children. Parents are given easy to learn, positive parenting techniques that allow them to redirect their children’s behaviour through loving guidance and not punishments and threats. Parents and care-givers learn how to use practical discipline tools to create co-operation, build self-esteem, and strengthen relationships from birth to adulthood. They will learn tips on logical consequences, setting limits, and achieving resolution of conflicts.
Redirecting Children’s Behaviour is a certified course through the International Network for Children and Families (INCAF). Founded over thirty years ago by Kathryn Kvols, INCAF has over 1000 certified instructors and the Redirecting Children’s Behaviour course is now taught in 15 countries worldwide. Read more about INCAF.